This weekend we went live with our very first online test session for RUiN, which is now officially in Alpha! We gave a lucky few access to the game on Steam and had them try out the matchmaking service aswell as locating and reporting bugs to us. Overall, the test was a success and despite bugs and malfunctions, the community stayed positive during the two evenings while the servers were running.

We were delighted to see several streamers going live to show the gameplay and its completely overpowered combos.
We at Tarhead are extremely grateful for all the help we got and many of us have expressed joy towards our wonderful community. All of us had a really good time talking and listening to you, watching your streams, playing RUiN ourselves and we hope you had a lot of fun aswell. One thing we really want you to know is that everything, no matter how tedious, help us so much. Everything from long queue times to lag and poorly functioning abilities will come to help us a lot when getting back to improving the game, so huge thanks to all of you for your time.
For those of you who haven’t signed up already, go to the RUiN subreddit here or secure access to the Beta later this year by clicking this link.

We are not amused when losing to our fans so we are working on some developer exclusive cheats to secure our victory.
*Back to work*
/The Tarheads
Really looking forward to an invite 🙂
I will love to play the game! tried it at Dreamhack winter 2015 and it was so damn good! played a lot Warlock and love the way you play! Hope it will come out soon 🙂